Prospect Mutual Management

Prospect Mutual Management

Mutual Management

We provide a broad range of strategic Mutual Management, risk transfer and insurance advice for corporates and communities.

Mutual Management PMM

At Prospect Mutual Management (PMM), our commitment is to reimagine risk retention and transfer to suit your unique needs. 

We have a proven track record in the design and build of new mutuals. Over the past 15 years nearly every new mutual built in the UK was built by members of PMM.

To explore the different types of mutuals and learn about how they operate and how they can have a positive impact on your business take a look at our recent articles.

Our Mutual Management Services

New Mutual Design & creation

With 20+ years of experience, our team efficiently designs, creates, and oversees the process of creating and launching new mutuals—from preliminary assessments and feasibility studies through to build, launch and operation.

Mutual Management Expertise

The selection and appointment of a Mutual Manager is a crucial step in securing the management services required to successfully operate and manage your mutual. By choosing PMM as your Mutual Manager you will receive the guidance, expertise and reports required to enable effective decision-making. The manager is an important link between the board of the Mutual and its members.

Global Reach

Mutuals are used well beyond the UK. We are engaged in the creation of new mutuals internationally. Where the local environment is supportive (legal, regulatory and tax) they can be domiciled locally, or they can be domiciled here in the UK. Our tailored reviews and strategic advice cover a broad spectrum of risk categories across the world, from property, through to motor, political, terrorism, construction, and operational exposures.

Cover Precision

Every organisation is unique, and so are our solutions. We meticulously scrutinise your risks to ensure the coverage provided meets your organisation's bespoke needs and objectives. Even when the insurance industry says no, a mutual can explore alternative mitigation strategies.

Project Excellence

Our experience in the successful design, build, launch and management of operational mutuals provides the insight, expertise and base documentation required to successfully project manage your pathway to the integration of a mutual into your risk transfer arrangements. Your project will be professionally managed and delivered.

Regulatory alignment

Compliance is non-negotiable. Compliance is designed into all new mutual management programs, with reviews undertaken for existing mutuals. Ensuring compliance with legislative, regulatory and tax frameworks provides you with the assurance of a solid foundation.

Decommissioning & Site Rehabilitation Expertise

We have designed solutions to cost efficiently fund and manage the end of life exposures across a wide range of industries and in particular in the energy sector.

Transport Innovation

Even on statutory classes of insurance such as motor, our team has successfully designed and deployed mutual based solutions. These solutions have been deployed in both the public and private sectors.

Global Reviews

Our comprehensive evaluations of mutuals span the globe. We leave no stone unturned, delivering robust solutions for your organisation, regardless of its size or geographical spread.




Head of Mutual Development

Rikul Patel is Head of Mutual Development in our Insurance, Mutual and Risk Management division. He brings a wealth of experience in establishing start-up businesses and scaling SMEs, with a strong base in financial services and the ‘not for profit’ insurance space. 


Risk Mitigation & Transfer

As the Head of Risk Mitigation and Transfer in our Insurance, Mutuals and Risk Management division, David brings over 20 years of experience to the table. His focus is on providing clients with an independent assessment of their risk transfer arrangements and driving targeted outcomes.


Mutuals Senior Solicitor

Anne is a senior solicitor with extensive experience of the legal aspects of the formation, management and operation of mutual entities, and commercial and maritime litigation and arbitration.


Senior Consultant, Insurance & Risk

Mark Tetley has wide experience gained from senior positions across the London insurance market as both an underwriter and a broker, in a variety of sectors.

Book a free consultation

Ready to explore how our solutions can secure your future?

Get in Touch for a free consultation with our experts. Whether you have specific questions or are looking for tailored advice, our team is here to guide you.


At Prospect, trust is not just a word; it’s the cornerstone of our client relationships. Our commitment to excellence has earned us the privilege of working with diverse partners across industries.

We understand that trust is built on transparency, reliability, and results, and we deliver on all fronts.

Prospect Mutual Management